Poems from Nightwork


Three-quarter cat’s eye


through smoke:



the dull round

night like another









Sleep in the limbs

                             still working

the legs’ rhythm


               by the road


rest comes lolling

by the main road.








Rain frothing up

                         the road


everywhere the air lightens

and the body

                     moving heavy

through it.

Josh Hanson
is a graduate of the University of Montana Writing Program and currently lives in Missoula, Montana with his wife and two daughters. His manuscript was recently named a finalist in the Three Candles First Book Contest. He edits the online journal, Eucalyptus: a Journal of the Broken Narrative, and his work has appeared or is forthcoming in 42Opus, Softblow, No Tell Motel, Diagram, Stirring, Three Candles, and many others.


[step back to issue 4]