Noah Falck
you bring out the three ring binder in me
after Jim
the blinking check-your-engine light in me. The fake background
in me.
The road rage in me. The Big Wheel flashback
in me.
The boring Bible stories in me.
The feta cheese
in me.
The deleted file of Internet porn in me.
The organic tomato sauce in me. You bring out
the simultaneous fart and burp in me. The tighty-whities
in me.
The front door nudity
in me.
The semen-stained hotel bedspread in me.
You bring out the crayon splattered coloring
in me.
The arm pumping speedwalker in me.
The Thanksgiving
leftovers in me. The Jack-in-the-bean-stock in
me. The closing copper
covered elevator door in me. You bring out the
over rusted
pushmower in me.
The flat tire in me. The pulled
in me. The sweaty suggestion box in me. You
bring out
the Homer Simpson in me. The Fred Rogers
in me.
And right now, as I lean over to flip off
the bedside light you bring out the John Holmes
in me.