Richard Meier
Walked out into the light clouds
hanging down in the east like vines
having first climbed up it was
a shaking
off of paralysis who’d you get that off
for me I said a miracle
meaning the will outside
the body when I went to drag you
out there too you were
walking like a Warhol mylar
cloud springing springing green hood
past the barn you knew all
along you were going
to see it. The child’s uninterest
didn’t make us suspicious
of him all silhouettes are
ancient on a ridgeline in the orchard.
The white dog is black
and chases long sticks flying
a line crossing out the
huge word West
before it joined in darkening
the flash of light-
in-opened-mouth. Having taken out all
the concrete particulars and left
an abstraction that walks
around a body known so
well you can’t help or
picture it a cure for description
now heard to be an echo
like the crime of fortune
telling everything that
happened leading up to the stranger
who got you thinking it was
among the vertiginous sure companion
thought to light.
Train Seen From The
One lie is not as good as another.
He dropped those particular berries. The modern
(the other in the
bamboo boat’s gone missing)
is plastic, ball, bleach
bottle, woman’s sandal, net,
termagant, accident, you-name-it,
tied together with string to
make a mooring
marker or a haply child, as
walking along the shore
I never left it, or those years making fortune,
the three-year, five-year,
the rule being each the
same as preceding,
for the world called us,
ease of utterance, to each other,
attraction/repulsion, the toy trains the
shuddering blast
the diesel-engined one from the tunnel mimicked
to great marvelous and
residual excitement.
I have given up all my addictions.
As the after-products, we clung to the edge, the
like letters on burlap
worlds, bran leaking,
or autographs made grass
stains between past
and someday next when we’ll
conspire, cold,
in the hot, unquiet ground
once said to chasm
a lime-pit that emerged
from us, now recombined,
though not like what we’d like
to shame, an eternal,
happy ghost of more
expressive features,
indefinite, lyric game we played